Activities of Hospice Palliative Care Japan

Assurance and Improvement of Care Quality

HPCJ investigates hospice palliative care units to outline their facilities and clarify the status of their use. It also implements a program for these units to self-evaluate and share data. The association started a system to evaluate hospice palliative care unitsf approaches to improve care quality, while promoting third-party evaluation.

Education and Training

HPCJ has created an education curriculum for multiple professionals providing hospice palliative care, including doctors, nurses, and medical social workers, and it promotes education support activities.
Each branch of the association plans and operates different education programs based on the regional characteristics.

Public Awareness Promotion

HPCJ holds a campaign called gThe Hospice Palliative Care Weekh on the second Saturday of October, which is when the gWorld Hospice & Palliative Care Dayh is held each year. During the event, lectures, seminars, panel presentations, concerts, and ward observation sessions are held.
Over the years, the event has taken place in many areas with more than 10,000 participants.
*On the gWorld Hospice & Palliative Care Dayh, hospice palliative care-related facilities and groups from many countries hold numerous events.

Policy Recommendations

HPCJ makes policy recommendations for the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare to provide appropriate hospice palliative care in Japan, and to improve its insurance/long-term care insurance systems.
You can read policy recommendations made by the association at the following website:

Public Relations and Information Provision

HPCJ operates its homepage to provide information regarding hospice palliative care to the general public, to share documents, such as survey reports, with medical professionals, and to post job offers.
It also periodically issues newsletters to introduce its recent activities.

Cooperation and International Exchange

HPCJ exchanges opinions and cooperates with hospice palliative care-related groups in Japan. It also communicates and collaborates with international groups engaged in this area, represented by the Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network (APHN).

Attending an international conference